How is Gifted Education Different?
Gifted education is under the umbrella of special education. When a student is identified as a “gifted learner” they are identified as having an educational need to be taught differently. At The Lewis Center for Gifted Learning, we believe that our unique learners have the right to be challenged and reach their full potential.
The Classroom Environment
The classroom environment at The Lewis Center for Gifted Learning is very unique. Your child’s experience is tailored to what is considered to be ideal for the gifted learner. We implement innovative teaching methods to stimulate the minds of our students, allowing them to progress in their academics. We provide students the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, understanding that their needs are beyond that of what the traditional classroom provides.
What can a Student Expect on a Daily Basis?
At The Lewis Center for Gifted Learning we believe that every student has the right to learn something new every day. Students at The Lewis Center for Gifted Learning should come to school with an expectation each day to learn and experience something new.
How are Students Evaluated for Progress?
At The Lewis Center for Gifted Learning we take yearly state standardized testing to evaluate proficiency in each of the core subject areas. In addition, an ongoing individuated evaluation process takes place to ensure accountability and progress.